Su Møkk Moving Average

en. Brukes til å indikere posisjon over og støttet av eller i kontakt med: Vase er på bordet. Vi hvilte på våre hender og knær. b. Brukes til å indikere kontakt med eller omfang over (overflate) uansett stilling: et bilde på veggen et utslett på ryggen min. c. Brukes til å indikere sted ved eller langs: beite på sørsiden av elva et hus på motorveien. d. Brukes til å indikere nærhet: en by på grensen. e. Brukes til å indikere vedlegg eller suspensjon fra: perler på en streng. f. Brukes til å indikere figurativ eller abstrakt stilling: på den unge siden, men opplevd på hennes tredje øl stoppet på kapittel to. en. Brukes til å indikere aktuell bevegelse mot, mot eller på: hoppet på bordet marsjen på Washington. b. Brukes til å indikere figurativ eller abstrakt bevegelse mot, mot, eller på: klokka seks oclock kom på svaret ved et uhell. en. Brukes til å indikere forekomst på et gitt tidspunkt: 3. juli hver time i timen. b. Brukes til å indikere den spesielle anledningen eller omstendigheten: Da hun kom inn i rommet, så hun ham. en. Brukes til å indikere objektet som er berørt av faktisk, merkbar handling: Spotlighten falt på skuespilleren. Han banket på døren. b. Brukes til å indikere objektet som er berørt av en figurativ handling: Ha synd på dem. c. Brukes til å indikere objektet til en handling rettet, tending eller beveger seg mot det: et angrep på festningen. d. Brukes til å indikere gjenstand for oppfatning eller tanke: stirret på vista meditert på hans handlinger. 5. Brukes til å indikere agent eller byrå for en spesifisert handling: kutt foten på det ødelagte glasset som snakkes på telefonen. en. Brukes til å indikere et legemiddel eller annet korrigerende stoff som er tatt eller gjennomført rutinemessig: gikk på en streng diett. b. Brukes til å indikere et stoff som er årsaken til en avhengighet, en vane eller en endret tilstand av bevissthet: høyt på dope. en. Brukes til å indikere en kilde eller basis: Vi vil nå våre vurderinger ikke på intensjoner eller på løfter, men på gjerninger og på resultater (Margaret Thatcher). b. Brukes til å indikere en kilde til kraft eller energi: Bilen kjører på metan. en. Brukes til å indikere tilstanden eller prosessen med: i permisjon på vei. b. Brukes til å indikere formålet med: reise på forretningsreise. c. Brukes til å indikere et transportmiddel: Ride på tog. d. Brukes til å indikere tilgjengeligheten ved hjelp av: øl på trykk på en lege i samtalen. 9. Brukes til å indikere tilhørighet til: sykepleier på sykehuspersonalet. 10. Brukes til å indikere tillegg eller repetisjon: oppstått feil ved feil. en. Om: en bok om astronomi. b. Om og til ulempen av: Vi har noen bevis på ham. 12. Uformelt I sin besittelse med: Jeg har ikke en prosent på meg. 13. På bekostning av komplimenter av: drinker på huset. 1. I eller inn i en stilling eller tilstand for å bli støttet av eller i kontakt med noe: Sett kaffen på. 2. I eller i en stilling som er knyttet til eller dekker noe: Legg på klærne dine. 3. I retning av noe: Han så på mens skipet forankret. en. Mot eller på et punkt som ligger foran i rom eller tid fremover: Spillet flyttet videre til neste by. b. På eller til et fjernere punkt i tid eller rom: Jeg gjør det senere. c. Mot eller til en annen tilstand eller tilstand: La oss gå videre til et annet emne. 5. I et kontinuerlig kurs: Han jobbet rolig. en. I eller til ytelse eller drift: Slå på radioen. b. Pågår eller handling i en aktivitetsstil: Visumet må fortsette. 7. I eller ved nåværende stilling eller tilstand: hold deg på. 8. I en tilstand for å være planlagt for eller avgjort: Det er en fest i kveld. 1. Å være i drift: TV-apparatet er på. en. Engasjert i en gitt funksjon eller aktivitet, for eksempel en vokal eller dramatisk rolle: Du går videre om fem minutter b. Under eller oppfører seg som under observasjon: En minister er alltid på. 3. Uformell Funksjon eller utførelse i høy grad av kompetanse eller energi: Målvakten er virkelig på. en. Planlagt tiltenkt: Vi har ikke mye på denne helgen. b. Hendelse foregår: Paraden er på. 5. Baseball Etter å ha nådd basen trygt på basen: To løpere er på. Å være oppmerksom på eller ha informasjon om: Du vil aldri bedra oss igjen var på deg. Uten å stoppe kontinuerlig. Midt engelsk, fra gammel engelsk og på se i tillegg til indo-europeiske røtter. Bruk Note: Både på og på kan brukes til å indikere bevegelse mot en posisjon: Katten hoppet på bordet eller Katten hoppet på bordet. Men på er mer spesifikk, som indikerer at bevegelsen ble initiert fra et utenforpunkt. De vandret på slagmarken betyr at de begynte å vandre på et tidspunkt fra slagmarken, mens de vandret på slagmarken innebærer at vandringen begynte på slagmarken. 1. i kontakt eller forbindelse med overflaten på den øvre overflaten av: et eple på bakken et merke på bordduken. 2. knyttet til: en marionett på en streng. 3. båret med: Jeg har ingen penger på meg. 4. i umiddelbar nærhet av nær eller langs siden av: et hus på sjøen, dette skjærer på det latterlige. 5. innen tidsrammer for en dag eller dato: han ankom torsdag. 6. blir utført på eller videresendt gjennom medium av: hva skjer på fjernsynet 7. i anledning av: på hans pensjon. 8. brukes til å indikere støtte, livsopphold, beredskap, etc: han lever på brød det avhenger av hva du vil ha. en. tar regelmessig (et stoff): shes på pillen. b. avhengige av: hes på heroin. 10. ved hjelp av (noe som betraktes som en transportmodus) (esp i slike uttrykk som til fots, på hjul, på hesteryggen osv.) 11. i prosessen eller i løpet av: på en streikreise. 12. bekymret for eller knyttet til: en skatt på poteter et program på arkeologi. 13. Brukes til å angi grunnlag, begrunnelse eller årsak til en uttalelse eller handling: Jeg har den på god myndighet. 14. mot: brukes til å indikere motstand: de marsjerte på byen ved daggry. 15. brukes til å indikere et møte eller møte: han krøp opp på henne. 16. (brukt med et adjektiv som foregår av) som angir måten eller måten en handling utføres på: på sly på den billige. 17. uformell eller dialekt til tap eller ulempe ved: den gamle bilen ga ut på oss. adv (ofte brukt som partikkel) 18. i stillingen eller tilstanden som kreves for påbegynnelsen eller vedvarende fortsettelse, ved en mekanisk operasjon: radioene har vært på hele natten. 19. knyttet til, rundt, eller satt i kontakt med noe: jenta hadde ingenting på. 20. På en måte som indikerer kontinuitet, utholdenhet, konsentrasjon, osv.: Ikke fortsett med det. Spillet fortsatte hele ettermiddagen. 21. i retning mot noe, esp fremover for å gjøre fremgang: vi kjørte videre mot London mars på. 22. På og av av og på periodisk fra tid til annen 23. På og på uten å opphøre kontinuerlig 24. Fungerende drift: Slå bryteren på på stillingen. 25. (postpositive) uformelle a. utfører, som på scenen: Jeg er på fem minutter. b. definitivt finner sted: kampen er på for fredag ​​deres ekteskap er fortsatt på. c. Tålelig, praktisk, akseptabel, etc: Din plan er bare ikke på. d. (av en person) villig til å gjøre noe 26. på uformell nagging: hun var alltid på på ektemannen. 27. (Cricket) cricket (av en bowler) bowling a. (modifikator) relatert til eller betegnelse av benkanten av et cricket-felt eller tonehøyde: den på siden an på stasjonen. b. (i kombinasjon) brukes til å betegne bestemte feltposisjoner på bensiden: lenge i midten. Old English an, relatert til Old Saxon an Old Old German, Gothic ana (Placename) det gamle egyptiske og bibelske navnet for Heliopolis 1. (Språk) Old Norse 2. (Placename) (esp i postadresser) Ontario 1. så å være eller forbli støttet av eller suspendert fra: Sett pakken på bordet. Heng kappen på kroken. 2. For å bli festet til eller forenet med: Et merke på en krukke. 3. For å være et dekke eller innpakning for: Legg teppet på babyen. 4. i forbindelse, forening eller samarbeid med: å tjene på en jury. 5. For å være en støttende del eller base av: Ben på en stol. 6. å ha som sted, sted, situasjon, etc. et arr på ansiktet en butikk på 19th Street. 7. i umiddelbar nærhet til: et hus på sjøen. 8. i retning av: å seile på en sørlig kurs. 9. Bruk som transportmiddel eller til å støtte eller levere bevegelse: ankommer på middagsplanet en bil som kjører på strøm. 10. av byrået eller middel til: drukket på vin snakker på telefonen. 11. rettet mot eller mot: spilte en vits på ham. 12. har som fag om: en bok om fugler 13. I en tilstand, tilstand eller prosess av: i streik. 14. engasjert i eller involvert med: Im på det andre kapittelet nå. 15. gjenstand for: en lege i samtalen. 16. ha som kilde eller agent: å være avhengig av venner for støtte 17. ha som grunnlag eller grunn: på min æreord. 18. Tilordnet eller arbeider på: Whos på sentralbordet i dag 19. på tidspunktet eller anledningen til: på søndag kontanter ved levering. 20. innenfor de nødvendige grenser for: til tiden. 21. å ha som objekt eller bevegelseshøyde: å marsje på hovedstaden for å krype på noen. 22. Å ha som objekt eller ende av handling, tanke, lyst, etc. for å se på en scene. 23. har som emne eller referanse med hensyn til: syn på offentlige saker. 24. Betalt av, esp. Som en godbit eller gave: Middag er på meg. 25. ta eller bruke som foreskrevet mål, kur, etc. på lavt salt diett 26. tar regelmessig eller avhengige av: på rusmidler 27. med båret av: Jeg har ingen penger på meg. 28. for å forstyrre eller påvirke negativt: Min hårføner brøt på meg. 29. har som risiko eller ansvar: på smerte av død. 30. i tillegg til: millioner på millioner av stjerner. 31. inn, inn i eller på en posisjon som skal støttes eller festes: Sy på knappene. 32. inn, inn i eller på en posisjon av dekke eller innpakning: Sett regnjakken på. 33. Raskt til en ting, som for støtte: Hold på 34. mot et sted, punkt, aktivitet eller objekt: å se på mens andre jobber. 35. Fremover, videre eller sammen, som i alle kurs eller prosesser: videre videre. 36. med kontinuerlig aktivitet: å jobbe på. 37. inn i eller i aktiv drift eller ytelse: Slå på gasen. 38. drift eller i bruk: Er radioen på 39. ​​finner sted: Vet du ikke at det er en krig på 40. Utfører eller kringkaster: Radiomeddeleren fortalte oss at vi var på. en. oppfører seg på en veldig animert eller teatral måte. b. fungerer eller utfører de beste. 42. Planlagt eller planlagt: Alt i kveld 2. På og videre, med stor lengde, for å bli kjedelig. før 900 midt engelsk på, en, gammel engelsk: på, inn, til, c. Gammel frisisk, gammel saksisk an (a), gammel høytysk an (a), gammel nordisk 257-, gotisk ana i likhet med gresk an opp, på (se ana-) 2. Ontario, Canada. et suffiks brukt i navnene på subatomære partikler (gluon nøytron), quanta (graviton) og andre minimale enheter eller komponenter (codon magneton photon). sannsynligvis hentet fra ion sammenligne proton et suffiks som brukes i navnene på inerte gasselementer: neon. Gresk - on, neuter of - s adj. slutter 1. brukes til å si hvor noe er på, er vanligvis en preposisjon. Du bruker på å si hvor noen eller noe er ved å nevne objektet eller overflaten som er under dem. Da jeg kom tilbake, satt hun på trappene. Det var et bilde av en vakker jente på Deepaks skrivebord. På er brukt på noen andre måter å si hvor noen eller noe er. For eksempel bruker du det for å nevne et areal hvor noen jobber eller bor, for eksempel en gård, byggeplass eller boligområde. Han jobbet kort på en byggeplass i Seoul. Du bruker også for å nevne en øy hvor noe eksisterer eller skjer. Hun bor på en karibisk øy. Se på (for en vanlig måte å si hvor noe er). på (for en vanlig måte å si hvor noe er) 2. Brukes til å si hvor noe går Du kan bruke på å si hvor noen eller noe faller eller blir satt. Han falt på gulvet. Jeg legger en hånd på skulderen. På er brukt på en lignende måte. Du bruker på etter at du sier at noen går inn i en buss, tog eller sender. George tok på bussen med oss. 3. brukes til å snakke om tid Du sier at noe skjer på en bestemt dag eller dato. Hun kom for å se leken den følgende fredag. Caro ble født 10. april. Du kan noen ganger bruke på å si at en ting skjer umiddelbart etter hverandre. For eksempel, hvis noe skjer ved noen ankomst, skjer det umiddelbart etter at de ankommer. Det er så urettferdig, sa Clarissa på sin retur. 4. brukes som et adverb På er noen ganger et adverb, vanligvis viser at noe fortsetter å skje eller bli gjort. Hun gikk videre. stille tanke. Jeg fløy videre til California. 5. (utfører, jobber) for å være på skuespiller x2192 er du en gang i løpet av fem minutter x2192 salg og cinco minutos er du på neste x2192 for å få en god jobb. er du i morgen (på vakt) x2192 trabajas maana. ests de turno maana. å ha en dag på og den neste av x2192 trabajar un da y el otro no 6. (indikerer avtale, aksept) du er på x2192 te tomo la palabra. er du fremdeles til middag i morgen kveld? x2192 sigo contando contigo para cenar maana. det er ikke på (Brit) x2192 eso no se hace. nei høi derecho (indikatorposisjon) x2192 sur på en øy x2192 sur une le på bordet x2192 sur la bord på veggen x2192 sur le mur på kontinentet MEN sur le continent. Jeg har ikke noen penger på meg x2192 Du er ikke så glad i det. i andre etasje men au deuxime ta. til venstre x2192 gauche på høyre x2192 droite til fots x2192 pied på en sykkel x2192 vlo Jeg går på skolen på min sykkel x2192 Je vais lcole vlo. (refererer til tid) på fredag ​​x2192 vendredi på fredager x2192 le vendredi 20. juni x2192 le 20 juin på julaften x2192 le jour de Nol på bursdagen min x2192 le jour de mon anniversaire en uke på fredag ​​x2192 vendredi en huit ved ankomst x2192 larrive på å se denne x2192 en voyant cela (i pub) denne runden er på meg x2192 cest ma tourne (tar) for å være på sth narkotika x2192 tre sous qch Han var på Prozac for depresjon x2192 Det var så bra at du prøvde dyptrykk. å være på narkotika x2192 tre drogu (e) å ha sth på sb bevis mot x2192 avoir qch (de kompromitterende) contre qn Du har ingenting på meg x2192 Vous navez rien contre moi (refererer til kjole, dekker) for å ha dekk på x2192 porter sønn manteau å ha sth på (ha på seg) x2192 porter qch Hva hun fikk på x2192 Quest-ce quelle porte. Når på er det andre elementet i et phrasal-verb, for eksempel leve videre. forelesning på. slå opp verbet. Når det er en del av en kombinasjon, f. eks. Til høyre. på forespørsel . til tider . slå opp det andre ordet. indikatorsted, posisjon x2192 auf (dat) (med vb bevegelse) x2192 auf (acc) (på vertikal overflate, del av kroppen) x2192 an (dat) (med vb bevegelse) x2192 en (acc) boken er på bordet x2192 da han ble satt på bordet han satte boken på bordet x2192 han var på tavlen på tavlen, det var på tavlen x2192 han stod på bordet han hengte den på veggen x2192 er hngte es an die Wand den Nagel a hus på kysten veien x2192 ein Haus am Meer an der Hauptstrae på elvenes bredde x2192 er Flussufer med et smil på ansiktet hennes x2192 med en linsen på den lippen en ring på sin finger x2192 ein Ring er fingeren hennes heter på liste x2192 ihr Navn er på listen Han rammet hodet på bordet bakken x2192 er hatten sich (dat) x2192 den Kopf er Tisch på dem eller er Boden angeschlagen de kom på (til) scenen x2192 sie kamen auf die Bhne de avansert på fort x2192 sie rckten zum Fort vor på TVen radio x2192 im Fernsehen Radio på video x2192 au f Video holdt på datamaskin x2192 på datamaskin (dat) x2192 gespeichert som på showet i kveld x2192 var heute i seiner Show. Jeg har ingen penger på meg x2192 ich habe kein Geld, vi hadde noe å spise på toget x2192, og det var også på, ved hjelp av, vi dro på trainbus x2192 med en sykkel på Zyk-buss på sykkel x2192 med dem (Fahr) rad på fotstøtten x2192 zu Fu Pferd oppvarmingen kjører på olje x2192 dør Heizung wird mit l betrieben å telle noe på fingrene x2192 etw Fingern abzhlen om, om x2192 ber (acc) en bok om tysk grammatikk x2192 ein Buch ber deutsche Grammatik vi leser Stalin på Marx x2192 med Stalins Ausfhrungen zu Marx har du hørt ham om emnet x2192 haben Sie ihn zu diesem Thema gehrt. han har ingenting på meg (ingen skadelig informasjon osv.) x2192 er hekta på meg i hånden. Det er mulig å uttrykke tid x2192 en (dat) søndag x2192 (søndag) søndag x2192 sonntags på desember den første x2192 er ersten Dezember stjerner synlige på klare netter x2192 Sterne. dø i klaren Nchten sichtbar sind på eller om den tyvende x2192 om den Zwanzigsten herum på og etter den tyvende x2192 er Zwanzigsten und danach på tidspunktet for x2192 bei (dat) ved min ankomst x2192 bei meiner Ankunft på eksamen x2192 bei der Untersuchung på høringen dette forlot han x2192 als er das hrte. gikk der som et resultat av x2192 auf (acc) x2192 hin på mottak av mitt brev x2192 auf meinen Kort det indikerende medlemskapet x2192 i (dat) han er på komiteenet x2192 er gehrt dem Ausschuss Vorstand an er sitzt im Ausschuss Vorstand han er på kveldens nyhet x2192 er det kveldsmåltider han er på lærerpersonalet x2192 er hilsen Lehrpersonal gjør for å være på kurs (Sch, Univ) x2192 og einem Kurs teilnehmen Jeg jobber med et nytt prosjekt x2192 Jeg jobber med en Jeg er ikke på jobben. Jeg er på jobb x2192. Jeg er på overtid. x2192. Jeg var på den siste tiden (Sch) x2192, og vi var på side 72 x2192 som var på side 72 på bekostning av Denne runden er på meg x2192 Diese Runde har det på meg x2192 Das spendiere ich (dir), det er du som husker som viser repetisjonen, han gjorde feil ved en feil x2192 er machte einen Fehler nach dem anderen musical instrument ment han spilte (det) på violintrumpet x2192 er spielte (er) av Geige Trompete på drumspiano x2192 er Schlagzeug Klavier Roland Kirk på tenor sax x2192 Roland Kirk, Tenorsaxofon i henhold til x2192 nach (dat) på teorien x2192 Ihrer Theorie nach eller Zufolge, nach Ihrer Teorien på plass, som dekket han skrudd lokket på x2192, var hun ikke noe på x2192, og det var han som hadde på x2192, hatter er en han hadde hatten på skrå x2192 er hatte den Hut Han sa at han satte hatten på x2192, og han satte på seg kjole på x2192, og han viste seg. Mantel en indikatorposisjon la den på denne måten på x2192 setter legen Sie es så herum (darauf) sidelengs på x2192 lngs som angir tid fra nå av x2192 fra jetzt en fra den dagen på x2192 von diesem Merk senere på x2192 spter det var godt på i natt x2192 da war zu vorgerckter Stunde. det var godt inn i september x2192 da krigsspissen i september tidlig i sin karriere x2192 schon frh i irrer Karriere satt strukturer på og på de snakket om og på x2192 sie redeten und redeten. Jeg er ikke klar over at støyen gikk på og på x2192 der Lrm var ikke berømt da hun gikk videre og på x2192, det var ikke så lenge siden jeg var på sb (inf). Hes alltid på meg x2192 er hackt dårligere enn her Meckert dauernd en mir herum (inf) hes alltid på meg for å få håret mitt kuttet x2192 er lykkelig mir dauernd i den Ohren. Jeg har det med meg, jeg har vært på meg om at flere ganger x2192 er det bare et par Mal damit gekommen (inf) å være på om sth (inf) shes alltid på om hennes opplevelser i Italia x2192 sie kommt dauernd mit Ihren Italienerfahrungen (inf) hva er han på om x2192 wovon redet er nun schon wieder. han vet hva hes om x2192 er wei. wovon er redet slått på, fungerende lys, TV, radio x2192 en bremse x2192 angezogen elektrisitet, gass x2192 en (gestellt) for å forlate motoren på x2192 den Motoren låses på bryteren x2192 der Einschalter i på-stillingen x2192 på en gang var ikke en av hans på dager (inf) x2192 er krig nicht gjort i Form på plass lokk, dekke x2192 drauf hans hattie var på krøllete x2192 sein Hå sa sein Schlips hing schief hans hatcoat var allerede på x2192 er hatte den Hut schon aufden Mantel schon et sted der det er en tennisspill i øyeblikket x2192 ein Tennismatch er det i gang, det er et tennisspill i morgen x2192 morgen finner du en Tennismatch statt Jeg har ingenting på i kveld x2192 ich habe heute Abend nichts vor hva skjer i London x2192 var ist los i London. det er aldri noe i denne byen x2192 i dieser Stadt ist ikke var los søket er på for en ny administrerende direktør x2192 jetzt wird nach einem neuen Geschftsfhrer gesucht indikerer avtale, akseptabel å være på (innsats, avtale) x2192 gelten dure på x2192 abgemacht er du på (er du med oss) x2192 bist du med von der Partie. (inf). x2192 machst du mit er du på middag i kveld x2192, så er du ikke så glad. yourehes ikke på (Brit inf) x2192 das ist nicht drin (inf) det er bare ikke på (Brit inf. ikke akseptabelt) x2192 das ist einfach nicht drin (inf). x2192 das gibt es einfach nicht hans oppførsel var egentlig ikke på (Brit inf) x2192 sein Benehmen war unmglich 1. Rør, festet til, dekker osv. øvre eller ytre side av. Boken lå på bordet Han stod på gulvet Hun hadde en hatt på hodet. på: sobre na auf. i p sobre. encima de. en-l, - s pll sur na - on, - en, - n pada su () () trn trn. 2. inn i (et kjøretøy, tog osv.) Vi satt på bussen jeg kom på feil buss. i, på v, gjør jeg i - s, - sse dans - na, u - ba, - be - ra, - re di dalam,, opp i (). iek dalam i i. s. opp w. gjør det, gjør du, når du tar det. a, trong 3. på eller i løpet av en bestemt dag, tid osv. på mandag Ved ankomst kom han rett til sengs. opp, møttes v, pi an. bei p ved. en el, los-l-po, nakon - n, - n - kor pada, vi, (straks) etter en (,) (norda laiku) pada op. ved p. Ved. perpr. w. gjør det til deg, du vet hva du skal gjøre. , vo lc vo ngy. 4. om. en bok på teatret. over sobre o ber om. sobre - st koskien sur. de o - rl, - rl tentang um su (,), apie par tentang over om temat sobre despre o o o hakknda. v. 5. i staten eller prosessen med. Hes på ferie. møtte emde na på p en. de-jossakin og, du szabadsgon van sedang, i (,), (norda stvokli) sedang møttes etter em na n na na p. - deda. ang. 6. støttet av. Hun stod på ett ben. på em. na auf p. Sobre. en-l varassa sur na egy lbon llt dengan su. Ant er du opptatt av det. n na na na p. - deda. da trn. 7. mottak, ta. på narkotika på en diett. på et øyeblikk etter at du er med. a-l kuurilla prendre de la drogue, tre rgime-, na (vmit rendszeresen szed, tesz) sedang melakukan, drogato a dieta (), vartojantis, besilaikantis (nordic uz existences ldzekli vai veidu) sedang mengambil sedang menjalankan aan. På grunn av en fazertomar la na na baml. alkanlnda trong tnh trng 8. deltar i. Han er på komiteen. Hvilken detektiv jobber på denne saken på, i, på, og i. En ip en-s, kallal osallistua dans sur na (vmiben rszt vesz) dalam , vi, hj, meg i a, su. dalyvaujantis, susijs (norda ldzdalbu) menyertai in. aan p. jeg w. Nedenfor la v, na v na na, p, med katlan, ja. , tham gia. 9. mot. De marsjerte på byen. Etter å ha rett til en. hacia poole kohti sur prema - hoz, - hez, - hz fel menuju, tt a, mot su () link (nord forzienu) uz ar ar til mot. til å sende en (n) sprekke til prototype. - Doru. v hng. 10. nær eller ved siden av. en butikk på hovedveien. nær, langs em na, du en p ved, en res lhell, varrella sur. au bord de -, uz vmi mellett di tpi vi su (), blant annet, når du sparer deg. Jeg er glad for at jeg har det. - deda. gn. 11. ved hjelp av. Han spilte en tune på fiolen jeg snakket med ham på telefonen. op, over, met empor na auf. en p ˚ a, - ga-na - on, - en (hegedn, telefonon stb.) dengan alat, me a (). (norda darbbas instrumentu) menggunakan op. dør s. i en. Przez empor la na na, po putem p ile. bng vi. 12. blir båret av. Tyven hadde de stjålne juvelene på ham. på, etter, etter, med, med, mamma, mamma, mamma, sønner, sønner, sønner, søskenbarn). med przy com la na, pri pri kode p stnde. Når du har det, eller har det vært gjort Ved etterforskning viste det seg ikke å bli panikk. under, mens, møtte, og så videre. en - thehtess - tijekom vmi sorn setelah etter, egar, samkvmt a (). (k nors) darantpadarius (nordic secbu laik) pc pc tam kad semasa na ved. etter at du har undersøkt det etter at du har mottatt (). - dendan sonra. v. 14. etterfulgt av. katastrofe i katastrofe. på, etter en stund etter å ha lest det i morgen - dopo (,). po (norda atkrtoanos) pc demi na etter at du har det du vil, etter at du har øye på det. 1. (spesielt om noe som er slitt) slik at det berører, festes til, dekker osv. det øvre eller det ytre siden av. Hun satte hatten på seg. (ikke oversatt) på p, men du kan ikke si noe om det, men du kan ikke si noe om det. Etter å ha kjørt deg, ble du fortalt. giyinmi trn 2. brukes til å vise en fortsettende stat osv. utover. Hun fortsatte å stille spørsmål De flyttet videre. fortsetter kontinuerlig kontinuerlig kontinuitet. synder parar edasi jatkaa sans discontinuer dalje tovbb, folietatva terus fram continuamente () toliau (norda uz darbbas turpinanos) terus menerus dør p. VIDERE. etter dalej continuamente for en se oppri alej naprej nastaviti hele tiden, videre durmadan. srekli olarak, tip tc 3. (også adjektiv) (med elektrisk lys, maskiner etc) arbeider. TVen er på TurnSwitch lyset på. tilkoblet, og det er viktig å starte og starte. en morsom måte å se, sisse på morgenen. allum. ukljuiti be (kapcsolva) menyala, gangi, kveiktur acceso (,), veikiantis, jungtas (norda ierces ieslganu vai funkcionanu) hidup hidupkan aan p. Jeg gjengjør det, og jeg er glad for at du kommer til å begynne med det. alyor, yanmakta ang bt 4. (også adjektiv) (av filmer osv.) i stand til å bli sett. Det er en god film på kino denne uken. ved å dø, dreie, ordvise utgaver etter programvaren og en utstilling. og kartellspillere er i stand til å programmere dette programmet i programmer () roomener (nordlige prosessorer og turister) for å se på programkompetanse for programmene og programmene etter programvaren. jeg sv. det gr en bra film () oynuyor, oynamakta,, () c th xem c 5. (også adjektiv) i eller inn i et kjøretøy, tog osv. Bussen stoppet og vi kom igjen. i, innom dovnit im Gange inn på bordet (e) kyytiin bordet, du beszll, felszll naik um bor, opp en bordo -, vid (norda darbbas virzienu) menyiki på p. om bord na. gjør em n la bordul dovntra na, v u p (bir arac) a trn, trong tu xe 1. pågår. Spillet var på. ved døden, ordspillet er fremskritt for å opprettholde en gang i gang med en gang i gang med en gang i folieamatbanene fra sedang berlangsung gangi i corso (). (Nordprosessorene i Norden) de desfurare) v behu, v prde v teku u toku i gng sren, devam eden ang din ra 2. ikke kansellert. Er festen i kveld noe annet sted enn det du vil se, og det vil være en ting å gjøre, når du kommer til å bli med, og du vil være med i programmet, og du vil ikke være i stand til å gjøre noe for deg. vai haver (nc) Valabil kona sa veljati vaiti uten motsv. jeg sv. blir det fest jeg kommer til å bli kjent med, olacak tips tc nærmer seg. møtende trafikk. Kom i gang med å se nærmere på dette. innhentet modvendende køviene og direkte kontrare. venidero. I tillegg er det et godt valg, og det er et godt valg for deg, og det er ikke så bra at du ikke har det samme, men det er ikke så godt som du ser på, og du er sikker på at du får en god jobb, og du kan fortsette å fortsette. et pågående argument. fortsetter å fortsette å fortsette, fortsett å fortsette å fortsette. Dette er en av de mest krevende, og det er fortsatt en følge av at folketrygdene fortsetter å opprettholde det på grunn av at de ikke lenger er i stand til å fortsette. Som jeg er i gang med å fortsette å bekymre deg, fortsett å fortsette med å gjøre det, og fortsett å gå videre (på plass eller på tid). De marsjerte fremover (e). fremover, videre, fremover for diante vped vorwrts fremad hacia delante edasi eteenpin pluss loin. Drogmais naprijed elre, tovbb maju fram avanti priek, pirmyn uz prieku kejah hadapan voorwaarts framover. fremad naprzd para diante nainte. vpred naprej napred framt, videre ileri. ileriye doru, v pha trc være på (noen) for å ha oppdaget (en persons) triks, hemmelig osv. Tyvene innså at politiet var på dem. på noen se spor være å se etter å se på bildet. haber encontrado algo (kellegi) jlil olema lyt dcouvrir - biti za petama tisztban av vkivel, tud (nak) rla nyomban van (nakne) mengetahui rahasia sj via (essere sulle tracce di), (avere scoperto) () suskti (kieno) pdsakus btnkt uz pdm mengetahui helah sso på sporet er vite hva noen pnsker p na (czyim) tropie estar na pista de a descoperi (-.) odali razkrinkati biti na tragu har kommet p ngn peinde olmak, pht hin ra brukt med visse verb til Legg vekt på lengden på en aktivitet. Hun fortsatte med å stille spørsmål. vedholdende, tilmekaar, uten å opprettholde, er det bare en gang jeg er uendelig. synden parar ikka ja jlle loputtomiin sans arrt bez prestanka folyvst terus-menerus n flts incessantemente. Senza sosta være paliovos nemitties terus mener kontinuerlig i det uendelige. stadig vekk bez koca constantemente fr opprire. Znova a znova kar naprej i dalje i et, i det ondliga durmakszn, devaml olarak. Lin tc på riktig tidspunkt. Han kom hit til tide. når det gjelder en rettferdig tid til tiden, er det et problem, og det er ikke bare et problem, men det er også et spørsmål om hva som skjer når det gjelder å få lov til å komme i gang. punktuale (nustatytu) laiku, punktualiai preczi, tiei laik tilpasning på tid på rett tidspunkt. tidsnok punktualnie a horas la timp. naas pravoasno na vreme i tid tam zamannda, vaktinde ng gi to a position on. He lifted it onto the table. op para na auf op p en. encima de peale plle sur - na - ra, - re fel ke atas , upp su. sopra . ant uz ke atas op opp p na para cima de pe na na na upp p . -(in) zerine, stne . n. prep. sobre, encima, en, hacia before inf. despus de al an average por trmino medio the contrary al contrario Anki 2.0 User Manual After confirming that you are correct, you can tell Anki how well you remembered, and Anki will choose a next time to show you again. A deck is a group of cards. You can place cards in different decks to study parts of your card collection instead of studying everything at once. Each deck can have different settings, such as how many new cards to show each day, or how long to wait until cards are shown again. Decks can contain other decks, which allows you to organize decks into a tree. Anki uses :: to show different levels. A deck called Chinese::Hanzi refers to a Hanzi deck, which is part of a Chinese deck. If you select Hanzi then only the Hanzi cards will be shown if you select Chinese then all Chinese cards, including Hanzi cards, will be shown. To place decks into a tree, you can either name them with :: between each level, or drag and drop them from the deck list. Decks that have been nested under another deck (that is, that have at least one :: in their names) are often called subdecks . and top-level decks are sometimes called superdecks or parent decks . Anki starts with a deck called default any cards which have somehow become separated from other decks will go here. Anki will hide the default deck if it contains no cards and you have added other decks. Alternatively, you may rename this deck and use it for other cards. Decks are best used to hold broad categories of cards, rather than specific topics such as food verbs or lesson 1. For more info on this, please see the using decks appropriately section. For information on how decks affect the order cards are displayed in, please see the display order section. Notes amp Fields When making flashcards, its often desirable to make more than one card that relates to some information. For example, if youre learning French, and you learn that the word bonjour means hello, you may wish to create one card that shows you bonjour and asks you to remember hello, and another card that shows you hello and asks you to remember bonjour. One card is testing your ability to recognize the foreign word, and the other card is testing your ability to produce it. When using paper flashcards, your only option in this case is to write out the information twice, once for each card. Some computer flashcard programs make life easier by providing a feature to flip the front and back sides. This is an improvement over the paper situation, but there are two major downsides: Because such programs dont track your performance of recognition and production separately, cards will tend not to be shown to you at the optimum time, meaning you forget more than youd like, or you study more than is necessary. Reversing the question and answer only works when you want exactly the same content on each side. This means its not possible to display extra info on the back of each card for example. Anki solves these problems by allowing you to split the content of your cards up into separate pieces of information. You can then tell Anki which pieces of information you want on each card, and Anki will take care of creating the cards for you and updating them if you make any edits in the future. Imagine we want to study French vocabulary, and we want to include the page number on the back of each card. We want our cards to look like this: This means show me the text that8217s on the front side, then a divider line, and then the Back field. The idanswer part tells Anki where the divider is between the question and the answer. This allows Anki to automatically scroll to the spot where the answer starts when you press show answer on a long card (especially useful on mobile devices with small screens). If you don8217t want a horizontal line at the beginning of the answer, you can use another HTML element such as a paragraph or div instead. Checking Your Answer If you8217d like to type in the answer and have Anki compare your input to the real answer, you can do so by changing your template. Imagine your front and back templates look like: To type in the foreign word and check if you are correct, you need to edit your front template so that it looks like this: Note that we have added type: in front of the field we want to compare. Since FrontSide is on the back of the card, the type answer box will appear on the back as well. (If you don8217t have FrontSide on the back of your card, you will need to add the type directive to the answer side as well.) When reviewing, Anki will display a text box where you can type in the answer, and upon hitting enter or showing the answer, Anki will show you which parts you got right and which parts you got wrong. The text box8217s font size will be the size you configured for that field (via the Fields button when editing). This feature does not change how the cards are answered, so it8217s still up to you to decide how well you remembered or not. Only one typing comparison can be used on a card. If you add the above text multiple times, it will not work. It also only supports a single line, so it is not useful for comparing against a field that is comprised on multiple lines. Anki uses a monospaced font for the answer comparison so that the provided and correct sections line up. If you wish to override the font, you can put the following at the bottom of your styling section: Advanced users can override the default type-answer colours with the css classes typeGood . typeBad and typeMissed . At the time of writing, only the computer version of Anki supports these classes. It is also possible to type in the answer for cloze deletion cards. To do this, add to both the front and back template, so the back looks something like this: Note that since the cloze type does not use FrontSide, this must be added to both sides on a cloze note type. If there are multiple sections elided, you can separate the answers in the text box with a comma. Type answer boxes will not appear in the preview dialog in the browser. When you review or look at the preview in the card types window, they will display. The template language needs a special command to create a new line. For example, if you wrote the following in the template: Javascript As Anki cards are treated like webpages, it is possible to embed some Javascript on your cards via inline script tags in the template (loading external files using src is not supported). As this is an advanced feature, we can not guarantee any particular Javascript will work, and can not provide any assistance when things are not working. If in doubt, it8217s best to avoid it. Each Anki client may implement card display differently, so you will need to test the behaviour across platforms. A number of clients are implemented by keeping a long running webpage and dynamically updating parts of it as cards are reviewed, so your Javascript will need to update sections of the document using things like document. getElementById() rather than doing things like document. write(). Functions like window. alert are also not available. Anki will write javascript errors to the terminal, so if you8217re running on a Mac or Windows computer, you8217ll need to manually catch the errors and write them to the document to see them. There is no debugger available, so to figure out problems you8217ll need to break down your code until you discover which parts are causing problems. Profiles amp Preferences If more than one person wants to use Anki on your computer, you can set up a separate profile for each user. Each user profile has their own collection, and own program settings. Profiles are configured by going to the File menu and choosing Switch Profile. Profiles are intended to be used by different people, and each AnkiWeb account can only keep one profile in sync. For dividing up your own content, you should use separate decks rather than separate profiles, except when using extra profiles for experimenting with changes you don8217t plan to sync to other devices. It8217s possible to assign a password to your profile by going to Anki8217s preferences window. Your collection is not encrypted, and people can still tamper with the file if they locate it on your hard disk. The password protection is mainly intended to make it harder for students to tamper with each other8217s decks and settings in a classroom environment. Preferences The preferences are available from the Tools menu on WindowsLinux, or the Anki menu on a Mac. If you have multiple profiles, any changes you make will apply only to the current profile. The Strip HTML option controls whether Anki should strip the formatting from text you paste into the editor. By default, Anki strips the formatting from pasted text so that you can control formatting in your card templates instead. If you8217d prefer the formatting to be preserved (so you can paste bolded text, etc), you can uncheck this option. By default Anki pastes images on the clipboard as JPG files, to save disk space. You can use the Paste clipboard images as PNG option to paste as PNG images instead. PNG images support transparent backgrounds and are lossless, but they usually result in much larger file sizes. The first drop-down box controls how note types and decks interact. The default of When adding, default to current deck means that Anki saves the last-used note type for each deck and selects it again then next time you choose the deck (and, in addition, will start with the current deck selected when choosing Add from anywhere). The other option, Change deck depending on note type, saves the last-used deck for each note type (and opens the add window to the last-used note type when you choose Add). This may be more convenient if you always use a single note type for each deck. The second drop-down box controls when new cards are shown: either mixed with, before, or after all reviews. The Next day starts at option controls when Anki should start showing the next day8217s cards. The default setting of 4AM ensures that if you8217re studying around midnight, you won8217t have two days worth of cards shown to you in one session. If you stay up very late or wake up very early, you may want to adjust this to a time you8217re usually sleeping. The Learn ahead limit tells Anki how to behave when there is nothing left to study in the current deck but cards in learning. The default setting of 20 minutes tells Anki that cards should be shown early if they have a delay of less than 20 minutes and there8217s nothing else to do. If you set this to 0, Anki will always wait the full delay, showing the congratulations screen until the remaining cards are ready to be reviewed. Timeboxing is a technique to help you focus by dividing a longer activity (such as a 30 minute study session) into smaller blocks. If you set the timebox time limit to a non-zero number of minutes, Anki will periodically show you how many cards you8217ve managed to study during the prescribed time limit. Deck Options Deck options are accessed by selecting a deck on the Decks screen, and then clicking Options at the bottom of the screen. Anki allows you to share options between different decks, to make updating options in many decks at once easy. To do this, options are grouped into an options group . By default, all newly created decks use the same options group, and decks imported from previous versions of Anki have separate option groups. If you8217d like to alter the settings on one deck but not other decks, click the gears icon in the top right and add a new options group. Please only change options that you fully understand, as inappropriate adjustments may render Anki less effective. Options are not retroactive. For example, if you change an option that controls the delay after failing a card, cards that you failed prior to changing the option will have the old delay, not the new one. Steps controls the number of learning repetitions, and the delay between them. Please see the learning section for an overview of how the steps work. Steps over a day (1440 minutes) are supported as well - if you want, you can define a schedule like 10 minutes, 1 day, 3 days and then finally 7 days before the card becomes a review card. If there8217s nothing else to study, Anki will show cards up to 20 minutes early by default. The amount of time to look ahead is configurable in the preferences. One thing to be aware of is that the due counts will differ between the deck screen and study screens in this case. The deck screen will not count cards that are not ready, but the study screen will. This is done so that you can tell which decks need your attention. Anki treats small steps and steps that cross a day boundary differently. With small steps, the cards are shown as soon as the delay has passed, in preference to other waiting cards like reviews. This is done so that you can answer the card as closely to your requested delay as possible. In contrast, cards that cross a day boundary are scheduled on a per-day basis like reviews are. When you return to study the next day, the per-day learning cards will not be shown first, as that can make the first half of a review session frustratingly difficult. Instead, the cards will be shown after reviews are completed. They are included in the review count rather than the learning count, due to the way they are handled internally. Order controls whether Anki should add new cards into the deck randomly, or in order. When you change this option, Anki will re-sort the decks using the current option group. One caveat with random order mode: if you review many of your new cards and then add more new cards, the newly added material is statistically more likely to appear than the previously remaining cards. To correct this, you can change the order to ordered mode and back again to force a re-sort. When you select random order, Anki will randomize your notes, keeping the cards of a given note close together. The cards of a given note are shown in the order their card types appear in, so that siblings are introduced consistently - otherwise you could end up in a state where some notes had all their cards introduced and other notes had only one or two. Please see the bury related option below for more info. New cardsday tells Anki how many new cards you8217d like introduced on each day you open the program. Missed days will not cause the cards to pile up. The limit applies to the current deck and subdecks. This means if French has a limit of 20 cards and French::Lesson 1 and French::Lesson 2 both have limits of 15 cards, you8217ll get 15 cards from lesson 1 but only 5 cards from lesson 2. Studying new cards will temporarily increase the number of reviews you need to do a day, as freshly learnt material needs to be repeated a number of times before the delay between repetitions can increase appreciably. If you are consistently learning 20 new cards a day, you can expect your daily reviews to be roughly about 200 cardsday. You can decrease the reviews required by introducing fewer new cards each day, or by turning off new card display until your review burden decreases. More than one Anki user has excitedly studied hundreds of new cards over their first few days of using the program, and then become overwhelmed by the reviews required. Graduating interval is the delay between answering Good on a card with no steps left, and seeing the card again. Easy interval is the delay between answering easy on a learning card and seeing it in review mode for the first time. Starting ease controls the easiness that cards start out with. It is set when a card graduates from learning for the first time. It defaults to 250, meaning that once you8217ve finished learning a card, answering Good on subsequent reviews will increase the delay by approximately 2.5x (eg if the last delay was 10 days, the next delay would be 25 days). Based upon how you rate the card in subsequent reviews, the easiness may increase or decrease from what it starts out as. Turning off bury related8230 will prevent Anki from burying siblings. and instead Anki will just try to avoid showing siblings directly after one another in the same session. For this to work, your new cardsday setting needs to be large enough for the cards of multiple notes to be included. Maximum reviewsday allows you to set an upper limit on the number of reviews to show each day. When this limit is reached, Anki will not show any more review cards for the day, even if there are some waiting. If you study consistently, this setting can help to smooth out occasional peaks in due card counts, and can save you from a heart attack when returning to Anki after a week off. When reviews have been hidden due to this option, a message will appear in the congratulations screen, suggesting you consider increasing the limit if you have time. Easy bonus allows you to set the difference in intervals between answering Good and Easy on a card. For instance, with the default value of 130, Easy will give an interval that is 1.3 times the Good interval. Interval modifier allows you to apply a multiplication factor to the intervals Anki generates. At its default of 100 it does nothing if you set it to 80 for example, intervals will be generated at 80 of their normal size (so a 10 day interval would become 8 days). You can thus use the multiplier to make Anki present cards more or less frequently than it would otherwise, trading study time for retention or vice versa. For moderately difficult material, the average user should find they remember approximately 90 of mature cards that come up for review. You can find out your own performance by opening the graphsstatistics for a deck and looking at the Answer Buttons graph - mature retention is the correct on the right side of the graph. If you haven8217t been studying long you may not have any mature cards yet. As performance with new cards and younger cards can vary considerably, it8217s a good idea to wait until you have a reasonable amount of mature reviews before you start drawing conclusions about your retention rate. On the SuperMemo website, they suggest that you can find an appropriate multiplier for a desired retention rate. Their formula boils down to: Imagine we have a current retention rate of 85 and we want to increase it to 90. We8217d calculate the modifier as: You can use Google to calculate it for you. If you plug the resulting 65 into the interval modifier, you should find over time that your retention moves closer to your desired retention. One important thing to note however is that the tradeoff between time spent studying and retention is not linear: we can see here that to increase our retention by 5 percentage points, we8217d have to study 35 more frequently. If the material you are learning is very important then it may be worth the extra effort that8217s something you8217ll need to decide for yourself. If you8217re simply worried that you8217re forgetting too much, you may find investing more time into the initial learning stage andor making mnemonics gives you more gain for less effort. One final thing to note is that Anki forces a new interval to be at least 1 day longer than it was previously so that you don8217t get stuck reviewing with the same interval forever. If your goal is to repeat a card once a day for multiple days, you can do that by setting more learning mode steps instead of by adjusting this modifier. Maximum interval allows you to place an upper limit on the time Anki will wait to reshow a card. The default is 100 years you can decrease this to a smaller number if you8217re willing to trade extra study time for higher retention. Turning off bury related8230 will prevent Anki from burying siblings. and instead Anki will just try to avoid showing siblings directly after one another in the same session. Review cards are always shown in random order. If you wish to see them in a different order, you can use a filtered deck. More specifically, Anki randomizes reviews by grabbing batches of 50 cards in the order that they exist in the database, randomizing each batch, then putting them together. This means that there is a slight bias towards older cards being shown first, but it prevents individual cards from showing up in a predictable order. When you forget a review card, it is said to have lapsed . The default behaviour for lapsed reviews is to reset the interval to 1 (ie, make it due tomorrow), and put it in the learning queue for a refresher in 10 minutes. This behaviour can be customized with the options listed below. If you leave the steps blank, Anki will not place the card back in the learning queue, and it will be rescheduled as a review with its new interval determined by the settings below. The new interval is determined when you answer Again to a review card, not when the card finishes its relearning steps. For this reason, the Good and Easy buttons during relearing do not alter the interval again - they only control which step you are on. If there is only a single step (the default), the Easy button will be hidden, since it would accomplish the same thing as the Good button. If you have 2 or more steps, Easy is not hidden, to allow you to graduate cards from the queue before all of their steps are finished. New interval controls how much Anki should reduce the previous interval by. If the card had a 100 day interval, the default of 0 would reduce the interval to 0 (but see the next option). If you set this option to 20, the card would have its interval reduced to 20 days instead. Minimum interval allows you to apply a minimum limit to the above option. The default setting says that lapses should be reviewed one day later. The interval must be 1 day or more. The leech options control the way Anki handles leeches. Please see the leech section for more information. Anki monitors how long it takes you to answer each question so that it can show you how long was spent studying each day. The time taken does not influence scheduling. If you take longer than 60 seconds, Anki assumes you have walked away from your computer or have been distracted, and limits the recorded time to 60 seconds, so that you don8217t end up with inaccurate statistics. The ignore answer times8230 option allows you to adjust the cutoff threshold. The minimum cutoff is 30 seconds. If show answer timer is checked, Anki will display the current time taken for each card in the study area. By default, Anki automatically plays audio on the front and back of cards. If you uncheck automatically play audio . Anki will not play audio until you click the replay audio button. The when answer shown, replay both question and answer audio option controls what happens when you choose to replay audio while the answer is shown. Please note that it does not control what happens when you show the answer for that please see this section . Description This section allows you to edit the deck description, which is shown in the study overview. The description is automatically set when downloading shared decks. You can delete all the text in the description if you no longer want to see it in the study overview area. You can also use HTML in the descriptionanything that works on a note should be valid. AnkiWeb and Synchronization AnkiWeb is a service that allows you to keep your collection synchronized across multiple devices, and to study online. Please sign up for a free account before following the steps below. To start syncing your collection across devices, click the sync button (the top right one on the main screen), or press y on your keyboard. You8217ll be prompted for your AnkiWeb ID and password, which you created in the signup process. When you synchronize your collection for the first time, Anki will not be able to merge the content stored on AnkiWeb and the content stored on your computer, so you8217ll need to choose which side you8217d like to keep. Once the initial setup is completed however, Anki will be able to merge changes from multiple locations with a few exceptions. If you have multiple people using Anki on one machine and have created a profile for each user, each user will need to create their own AnkiWeb account to sync with. If you attempt to synchronize multiple profiles with a single AnkiWeb account, you will lose data. Automatic Syncing Once syncing is enabled, Anki will automatically sync each time your collection is closed or opened. If you would prefer to synchronize manually, you can disable automatic syncing in Anki8217s preferences. Anki will synchronize any sounds and images used by your notes. It will notice when media has been added or removed from your media folder, but will not notice if you have edited some existing files without adding or removing any. To get your edits noticed, you need to add or remove a file as well. If you8217re running Anki off a USB flash drive, you should use an NTFS file system, as Anki may not be able to detect media changes on a FAT32 filesystem. Reviews and note edits can be merged, so if you review or edit on two different devices before syncing, Anki will preserve your changes from both locations. If the same card has been reviewed in two different locations, both reviews will be marked in the revision history, and the card will be kept in the state it was when it was most recently answered. There are certain changes that Anki is unable to merge. These mainly relate to the format of notes: things like adding a new field, or removing a card template. When you perform an operation that can8217t be merged, Anki will warn you, and give you the option of aborting the operation. If you choose to continue, you8217ll be asked to choose whether to keep the local copy or the copy on AnkiWeb when your collection is next synchronized. If you wish to force a full upload or download (for example, because you accidentally deleted a deck on one side and want to restore the deck rather than having its deletion synchronized), you can check the On next sync, force changes in one direction box in ToolsgtPreferencesgtNetwork, then sync as usual. (You8217ll be given the option to choose which side you want to use.) Anki syncs over secure HTTP connections. If you need a proxy to access the internet, Anki should automatically pick up your system proxy settings if you8217re on Windows or OS X, and will honour the HTTPPROXY environment variable if you8217re on another platform. Please note that advanced proxy setup via. pac or. wpad files is not supported in Anki. To override the system proxy settings on Windows or OS X, define a HTTPPROXY environmental variable that points to the proxy server. It will look like: The toolkit Anki is built on is unfortunately not currently able to pick up your proxy username and password from your system settings. This means that if you use a proxy that requires authentication, syncing will fail. In this case, you will need to use an environmental variable that defines your proxy details as described above, or use a personal proxy server that you route traffic through, which in turn connects to the upstream proxy that requires authentication. The browser (which has nothing to do with web browsers such as Mozilla Firefox) allows you to search through your cards and notes and edit them. It is opened by clicking on Browse in the main window, or by pressing b on your keyboard. It is comprised of three sections: the sidebar on the left, the card list on the top right, and the current note on the bottom right. By positioning the mouse between two sections, it is possible to click and drag to expand one section and shrink another. The sidebar on the left allows quick access to common search terms. Various search terms as described below are listed, along with all deck names and tag names. Clicking on an item will search for it. You can hold down Ctrl (command on a Mac) and click in order to append the clicked item to the current search with an AND condition, instead of starting a new search. If you wanted to show learning cards that were also in the German deck for instance, you could click on Learning, then ctrlclick on German. You can hold down Shift to create an OR search instead of an AND. For example, you could click one deck, then shift-click another to show cards from either of the decks in the same view. You can hold down Alt (option on a Mac) in order to reverse the search (prepend a - ) for instance, to show all cards in a current deck that do not have a certain tag. Altoption can be combined with either Ctrl or Shift (e. g. Ctrl-Alt-clicking will result in adding a new search term that is negated). To remove tags that are not used by any notes, use ToolsgtCheck Database from the main window. Above the card list is a search box. You can type in various things there to search for cards. (If youd rather select what youre looking for in a list, please take a look at the sidebar section above.) Simple searches When you type some text into the search box, Anki finds matching notes and displays their cards. Anki searches in all fields of the notes, but does not search for tags (see later in this section for how to search for tags). Some examples: search for dog - will match words like doggy and underdog too finds notes with both dog and cat, such as a dog and cat finds notes with either dog or cat dog (cat or mouse) finds notes with dog and cat, or dog and mouse finds notes without the word cat. finds notes with neither cat nor mouse. same as the above. finds notes with the exact phrase a dog on them finds notes without the exact phrase a dog finds notes with d, lta lettergt, g, like dog, dig, dug, and so on. finds notes with d, ltzero or more lettersgt, g, like dg, dog, dung, etc. Things to note from the above: Search terms are separated by spaces. When multiple search terms are provided, Anki looks for notes that match all of the terms. You can use or if you only need one of the terms to match. You can prepend a minus sign to a term to find notes that don8217t match. If you want to search for something including a space or parenthesis, enclose it in quotes. You can group search terms by placing them in parentheses, as in the dog (cat or mouse) example. This becomes important when combining OR and AND searches820182128201in the example, with the parentheses, it matches either dog cat or dog mouse . whereas without them it would match either dog and cat or mouse . Anki is only able to search within formatting in the sort field you8217ve configured. For example, if you add exa mple to one of your fields, this will not be matched when searching for example unless that field is the sort field. If a word is not formatted, or the formatting does not change in the middle of the word, then Anki will be able to find it in any field. Limiting to a field You can also ask Anki to match only if a particular field contains some text. Unlike the searches above, searching on fields requires an exact match by default. find notes with a Front field of exactly dog. A field that says a dog will not match. find notes with Front field containing dog somewhere find notes that have an empty Front field find notes that have a non-empty Front field find notes that have a Front field, empty or not A full discussion on regular expressions is outside the scope of this document. There are a number of tutorials available on the web. Please see docs. python. orglibraryre. html for the particular format Anki uses. Finding Duplicates You can use the EditgtFind Duplicates option to search for notes that have the same content. When you open the window, Anki will look at all of your note types and present a list of all possible fields. If you want to look for duplicates in the Back field, you8217d select it from the list and then click Search. Unlike the check that happens when you add cards manually, the duplicate finding feature is not limited to a single note type. This means that by default, it will search in all note types that have the field you provided. The optional limit text box allows you to narrow down where Anki will look for duplicates. If you only want to search for duplicates in the French Vocab and French Verbs note types, you would enter: Or you might want to look only for duplicates in a particular deck, so you could use: The search syntax is the same as used when searching in the browser. Please see the searching section for more information. You can click one of the links in the search results list to display the duplicate notes in that set. If the search brings up a large number of duplicates, you may wish to instead click the Tag Duplicates button, which will tag all matching notes with duplicate. You can then search for this tag in the browser and handle them all from the same screen. Other Menu Items Some other items in the Edit menu: Reschedule allows you to move cards to the end of the new card queue, or reschedule them as a review card on a given date. The second option is useful if you have imported already-learnt material, and you want to start it off with higher initial intervals. For example, choosing 60 and 90 will give all the imported cards an initial interval of 2 to 3 months. The card8217s revision history is not cleared when rescheduling: rescheduling changes the current state of a card, but not its history. If you want to hide the history, you will need to export your notes as a text file, delete the notes, and then import the text file again, creating new notes. Reposition allows you to change the order new cards will appear in. You can find out the existing positions by enabling the due column, as described in the card list section above. If you run the reposition command when multiple cards are selected, it will apply increasing numbers to each card in turn. By default the number increases by one for each card, but this can be adjusted by changing the step setting. The Shift position of existing cards option allows you to insert cards between currently existing ones, pushing the currently existing ones apart. For instance, if you have five cards and you want to move 3, 4, and 5 between 1 and 2, selecting this setting would cause the cards to end up in the order 1, 3, 4, 5, 2. By contrast, if you turn this option off, 2 and 3 will get the same position number (and it will thus be random which one comes up first). Change Note Type allows you to convert the selected notes from one type to another. For example, imagine you have a Russian note type and a Computer note type, and you accidentally added some computer-related text into a Russian note. You can use this option to fix that mistake. The scheduling of cards is not affected. Select Notes takes the currently selected cards, finds their notes, and then selects all cards of those notes. If your notes have only one card, this does nothing. The Go menu exists to provide keyboard shortcuts to jump to various parts of the browser, and to go up and down the card list. Filtered Decks amp Cramming When you study a regular deck in Anki, only a limited number of cards are shown: the cards Anki thinks you8217re about to forget, and a daily limit of new cards. This is generally useful, as it ensures you don8217t spend more time studying than necessary. But sometimes it can be useful to step outside of these normal limits, such as when you need to revise for a test, focus on particular material, and so on. To make this possible, Anki provides a different type of deck called a filtered deck . Filtered decks offer a lot of possibilities. They can be used for previewing cards, cramming cards before a test, studying particular tags, catching up on a backlog with a particular sort order, reviewing ahead of schedule, going over the days failed cards, and more. Custom Study The easiest way to create a filtered deck is with the Custom Study button, which appears at the bottom of the screen when you click on a deck. It offers some convenient presets for common tasks like reviewing the cards you8217ve failed that day. It will create a filtered deck called Custom Study Session and automatically open it for you. If an existing Custom Study Session deck exists, it will be emptied before a new one is created. If you wish to keep a custom study deck, you can rename it from the deck list. Here is a summary of each of the options: Increase today8217s new card limit Add more new cards to the deck you are currently studying. Note that unlike other options, this does not create a new filtered deck, it modifies the existing deck. Increase today8217s review card limit If not all reviews due today were shown due to the daily review limit, this option allows you to show more of them. Like with the new cards option, this modifies the existing deck. Review forgotten cards Show all cards that you8217ve answered Again (1) to within a number of days you specify. Show cards that will be due in the near future (a number of days you specify). This is useful for working through some of your older cards before a vacation, but it will not help with cards you have learnt recently. Please see the reviewing ahead section below for more info. Preview new cards Show cards that you have recently added. Study by card state or tag Select a certain number of cards from the current deck to study. You can choose to select new cards only, due cards only, or all cards after you click Choose Tags, you can also limit the selected cards by tags. If you wish to see all the cards in the deck (for instance, to study before a big test), you can set the number of cards to more than the number of cards in the deck. Home Decks When a card is moved to a filtered deck, it retains a link to the deck it was in previously. That previous deck is said to be the card8217s home deck . Cards automatically return to their home deck after they are studied in the filtered deck. This can be after a single review, or after multiple reviews, depending on your settings. It is also possible to move all cards back to their home decks at once: The Empty button in the study overview moves all cards in the filtered deck back to their home deck, but does not delete the empty filtered deck. This can be useful if you want to fill it again later (using the Rebuild button). Deleting a filtered deck does the same thing as Empty does, but also removes the emptied deck from the deck list. No cards are deleted when you delete a filtered deck. In the current implementation, if you empty or delete a filtered deck while cards are still in learning, they will be turned back into new cards. In the case of failed reviews in relearning, any remaining relearning steps will be skipped. Creating Manually Advanced users can create filtered decks with arbitrary search strings, instead of relying on set presets. To create a filtered deck manually, choose Create Filtered Deck from the Tools menu. When you click the Build button, Anki finds cards that match the settings you specified, and temporarily moves them from their existing decks into your new filtered deck for study. If you wish to fetch cards again using the same filter options (for instance, if you want to study all cards with a particular tag every day), you can use the Rebuild button at the bottom of the deck8217s overview screen. The search area controls what cards Anki will gather. All of the searches possible in the browser are also possible for filtered decks, such as limiting to tags, finding cards forgotten a certain number of times, and so on. Please see the searching section of the manual for more information on the different possibilities. Filtered decks can not include cards that are suspended, buried, or already in a different filtered deck. For this reason, a search in the browser may reveal cards that don8217t end up in the filtered deck. The limit option controls how many cards will be gathered into the deck. The order you select controls both the order cards are gathered in, and the order they will be reviewed in. If you select most lapses and a limit of 20 for example, then Anki will show you only the 20 most lapsed cards. For efficiency reasons, if your cram deck contains more than 1000 cards, only 1000 cards will be shown as due on the deck list and study screens. The cards selected by option controls the order that cards will appear in. If the maximum number of cards you select is lower than the number of cards that match the filter criteria, Anki will exclude the cards at the end of this sorted list first. Oldest seen first Display cards that you haven8217t seen in reviews for the longest time first. Randomize the order of all cards that match the filter criteria (use no set order). Display cards that have the smallest interval first. Display cards that have the largest interval first. Display cards that you have failed the most times first. Display cards that you added first (have the earliest creation date) first. Display cards with the earliest due date first. Latest added first Display cards that you8217ve most recently added to the deck first. (This is the opposite of Order added .) Display cards that are most overdue in relation to their current interval first (for instance, a card with a current interval of 5 days overdue by 2 days displays before a card with a current interval of 5 years overdue by a week). This is useful if you have a large backlog that may take some time to get through and want to review the cards you8217re most in danger of forgetting first. Steps amp Returning Please see the section on learning as a reminder of how steps work. By default, Anki will use the steps of a card8217s home deck. If a new card would normally be reviewed twice when being learnt, the same thing will happen when you study it in a filtered deck. Cards return to their home deck when (re)learning is complete. Thus if you have 3 learning steps, a new card will return to its home deck upon three presses of Good or a single press of Easy. The custom steps option allows you to override the home deck8217s steps and provide your own steps instead. The provided steps apply to both cards being learnt, lapsed reviews, and reviews ahead of time. In a filtered deck, reviews that were already due are displayed in the review count as normal. Learning cards and non-due reviews are counted in the new card count, due to how the underlying implementation works. Reviews that were not due are not scheduled like new cards however - Anki uses a special algorithm that takes into account how close they were to their normal due time when reviewed. Due Reviews If the filtered deck includes cards that were due for review, they will be shown like they would have been in their original deck - they appear in the review card count at the bottom of the screen, and there are four choices for how well you remembered. Upon a correct answer, the card will be moved back to its home deck, and its next delay adjusted using the home deck8217s settings. If you forget the card, it will be shown according to the relearning steps defined in the home deck. Reviewing Ahead If your search included cards that are not due, Anki will show the reviews ahead of time. Anki uses a special algorithm for these reviews that takes into account how early you are reviewing. If the cards were almost due to be shown, they will be given a new delay similar to what they would have received if you had reviewed them on time. If the cards are reviewed soon after they were scheduled however, their new delay will be similar to their previous delay. This calculation works on a sliding scale. Because reviewing a card shortly after it is scheduled has little impact on scheduling (eg, a card due tomorrow with a one day interval will remain due tomorrow if reviewed early), the review ahead custom study setting is not appropriate for repeated use . If used to go through a week8217s worth of cards before a trip, the mature cards will be rescheduled into the future and the new cards will remain at small intervals, because you don8217t know them well enough for them to be rescheduled further. If you review ahead again the next day, all you8217ll end up doing is going through those same new cards again, to little benefit. Early reviews are included in the new card count rather than the review count, and will be shown according to the number of relearning steps defined in the home deck (unless you have provided custom steps). This means that if you have customized the number of relearning steps in the home deck, the non-due card may be shown more than once. If you have multiple steps, Anki will only consider the first answer when deciding the next delay, and like relearning in normal decks, Good and Easy differ only in the step change and not the resulting delay. Rescheduling By default, Anki will return cards to their home decks with altered scheduling based on your performance in the filtered deck. If you disable the reschedule cards based on my answers option, Anki will return the cards in the same state they were in when they were moved into the filtered deck. This is useful for quickly flipping through material. If you have disabled rescheduling, the Good and Easy buttons will display no time above them when pressing them would cause the card to return to its home deck with its original scheduling. Please note that new cards are returned to the end of the new card queue, rather than the start of it. Catching Up Filtered decks can be useful for catching up when you8217ve fallen behind in your reviews. One Anki user describes the way they use the filtered decks to catch up as follows: I did this for a backlog of 800 cards with filtered subdecks. Worked very well for me. Just Due filter with: is:due prop:due-7 Over Due filter with: is:due prop:due Position Only shown when the card is new, it shows the order the card will appear in relative to other new cards. The position can be changed in the browser. The delay from one review to the next. Times are abbreviated 0s, 1m, 3h, 4d, 5mo, 6y refers to seconds, minutes, hours, days, months and years respectively. The approximate amount the interval will grow when you answer a review card with the Good button. Statistics The statistics window is accessed by clicking on the graphs icon in the top right of the main window, or by pressing ShiftS. The statistics window will show statistics from the currently selected deck and any subdecks. If you click on collection on the bottom left, statistics will be shown for your entire collection instead. By default Anki will show you statistics for the previous month. You can change this to a year scope or deck life scope at the bottom. (The today section at the top is of course unaffected by this selection.) Clicking on Save Image will save an image of the statistics to a file on your desktop to make it easy to share your statistics with others. When you delete notes, their review history is maintained in Anki. It will not be included when looking at statistics for a specific deck (as Anki has no way of knowing which deck the deleted cards belonged to), but will be included when you look at statistics for the whole collection. Types of Cards The stats window uses some terms that you may not be familiar with: A mature card is one that has an interval of 21 days or greater. A young card is one that has an interval of less than 21 days, but is not in learning. A learning card is one that is still in learning mode (using whatever steps may be defined in the deck8217s options). A relearning card is a card that you have failed in review mode, thus returning it to learning mode to be relearned. An unseen card is one that has been added to your collection but has not yet entered learning mode. Unseen cards are sometimes referred to as new cards, especially when they are in the new queue to be shown for the first time. At the top of the statistics window is a brief list of textual statistics about the reviews that you have completed today. A review in this context is one answering of a card . so a card might count as multiple reviews if it needed to be seen multiple times, and a learning card answered also counts as a review. A couple of the stats whose meaning may not be immediately obvious: This is the number of reviews that you have failed (i. e. pressed Again on). The correct percentage listed afterwards is the number of cards you did not fail divided by the total number of cards you studied. Learn, Review, Relearn, Filtered The number of reviews that were learning cards, review cards, relearning cards, or studied in a filtered deck when not due. The stats for the current day are not a good overall indicator of your learning progress everyone has bad days and good days, and seeing that you got a lower percentage correct on a particular day should not be cause for concern. The remainder of the stats, which take longer periods of time into account, will give more useful information if you wish to try to change your study habits or scheduling settings based on your performance. The today statistics are unaffected by the time period selected at the bottom of the window. The Graphs This graph shows an estimated number of reviews that will be due on a given day in the future if you learn no new cards and fail no cards. The bars and the left axis show the number of cards due on each day if you study all cards each day, while the line and the right axis show the number of cards due on that day if you don8217t study at all until then. Note that the forecast graph does not count reviews that are currently overdue, so if you have a large backlog, the overdue cards will not be displayed. This graph counts the number of card reviews you have done. The bars may correspond to days, weeks, or months, depending on the time period you8217ve selected at the bottom of the screen. The differently colored blocks show how many of the cards you answered on each day were mature. young, relearning, or learning cards. There is also a separate group for cards answered in a filteredcram deck while they were not due. The line and the right axis shows the cumulative total for each type of review as time progresses across the graph (so at 0 days, it would display the number for the entire time period displayed on the graph). This graph works exactly like Review Count, except that it deals with the amount of time you spent on each card rather than the number of cards answered. This graph displays the number of cards that have a given interval (the delay between two reviews). The line and the right axis tell you what percentage of your cards have an interval of less than or equal to the time below that point. The time scope has a different effect on this graph than other graphs: rather than changing which cards or period of studying is included, it limits how far out the intervals are displayed to (so 14-month intervals are not displayed at all on a 1-year graph). This graph shows what percentage of total reviews you have passed (i. e. not pressed Again on) during given hours. The larger, darker bars and left axis show the success rate the thinner, lighter bars and right axis show the number of reviews you8217ve made at that hour (so you know how significant the results are). This graph shows how many times you8217ve chosen the Again, Hard, Good, or Easy button while studying learningnew, young, and mature cards. Anki also displays the percentage of correct reviews for each type of card. This pie chart shows what percentage of your deck or collection consists of mature, unseen, younglearn, and suspended cards. If you wish to calculate a more precise percentage, the key shows the exact number of cards in each section, and the total number of cards is displayed to the side. Manual Analysis If you8217re interested in getting information from your statistics other than what Anki provides, you have several options. One is to write an add-on that adds another graph or more details to the statistics window. There are several add-ons of this sort on AnkiWeb already, which you can look at to get an idea of how it works. A more powerful and more complex option is to extract the review log information directly from Anki8217s database and analyze it in an external program. Anki uses a database format called SQLite. There are many tools available for working with SQLite databases one of the easiest to start with is called SQLite Browser. which will allow you to look around the database as well as export a CSV version of tables for import into another program. The most important table for statistics is the revlog table, which stores an entry for each review that you conduct. The columns are as follows: The time at which the review was conducted, as the number of milliseconds that had passed since midnight UTC on January 1, 1970. (This is sometimes known as Unix epoch time . especially when in straight seconds instead of milliseconds.) The ID of the card that was reviewed. You can look up this value in the id field of the cards table to get more information about the card, although note that the card could have changed between when the revlog entry was recorded and when you are looking it up. It is also the millisecond timestamp of the card8217s creation time. This column is used to keep track of the sync state of reviews and provides no useful information for analysis. Which button you pressed at the end of the review (1 for Again, 4 for Easy). The new interval that the card was pushed to after the review. Positive values are in days negative values are in seconds (for learning cards). The interval the card had before the review. Cards introduced for the first time have a last interval equal to the Again delay. The new ease factor of the card in permille (parts per thousand). If the ease factor is 2500, the card8217s interval will be multiplied by 2.5 the next time you press Good. The amount of time (in milliseconds) you spent on the question and answer sides of the card before selecting an ease button. This is 0 for learning cards, 1 for review cards, 2 for relearn cards, and 3 for cram cards (cards being studied in a filtered deck when they are not due). Anki stores the sounds and images used in your notes in a folder next to the collection. For more on the folder location, please see the file locations section. When you add media within Anki, either by using the paperclip icon in the editor or by pasting it into a field, Anki will copy it from its original location into the media folder. This makes it easy to back up your collection8217s media or move it to another computer. You can use the ToolsgtCheck Media menu option to scan your notes and media folder. It will generate a report of files in the media folder that are not used by any notes, and media referenced in notes but missing from your media folder. It does not scan question or answer templates, which is why you can8217t place media references to fields in the template. If you need a static image or sound on every card, name it with a leading (e. g. dog. jpg ) to tell Anki to ignore it when checking for media. If you delete media using the unused media check, Anki will move it into your operating system8217s trash folder, so you can recover if you accidentally delete media that shouldn8217t have been deleted. Anki uses a program called mplayer in order to support sounds and videos. A wide variety of file formats are supported, but not all of these formats will work on AnkiWeb and the mobile clients. MP3 audio and MP4 video seems to be the most universally supported. LaTeX support LaTeX is a powerful typesetting system, which is ideal for entering mathematical formulas, chemical formulas, musical notation and so on. Anki provides some support for LaTeX, allowing you to enter LaTeX code in your notes. When you review a card, Anki will call LaTeX and display the generated image instead. Installing and Assumed Knowledge Anki8217s LaTeX support is not turn-key: it is assumed that you know how to use LaTeX already, and that you have it installed. If you have no experience with LaTeX, please consult one of the many guides available on the internet. If you are having trouble with markup, please ask on a LaTeX forum. To install LaTeX, on Windows use MiKTeX on OSX use MacTex, and on Linux use your distro8217s package manager. Dvipng must also be installed. On Windows, go to Settings in MikTek8217s maintenance window, and make sure Install missing packages on the fly is set to No, not to Ask me first. If you continue to have difficulties, one user reported that running Anki as an administrator until all the packages were fetched helped. On OSX, LaTeX has only been tested with MacTex and BasicTex. If you use BasicTex, you need to install dvipng separately, with the following command: The command may not be on the path, so you may need to provide the full path, eg usrlocaltexlive2014basicbinx8664-darwintlmgr. If you are not using the above LaTeX packages, you will need to use the edit LaTeX add-on to specify the full path to latex and dvipng. LaTeX on WebMobile When you review a card with LaTeX on it, Anki will generate an image for that LaTeX and place the image in your collection8217s media folder for future use. The web amp mobile clients will display these images if they already exist, but can not generate the images on their own. To avoid having to review all your cards at least once before you can study on the other clients, Anki can generate the images in bulk for you. To generate all the images, please go to ToolsgtCheck Media. After that, syncing should upload the generated media to AnkiWeb and the other clients. The most general way to input LaTeX content is to surround it with latexlatex tags. There8217s a shortcut button for this documented in the editor section. For example, entering the following on the front of an Anki flashcard: Anki allows you to customize the LaTeX preamble so you can import custom packages for chemistry, music and so on. For example, imagine you find an example file for chemtex on the internet: Firstly, follow the documentation of the package and MiKTeXMacTex in order to install the package. To check the package is working, you8217ll want to put code like the above into a. latex file and test you can compile it from the command line. Once you8217ve confirmed that the package is available and working, we can integrate it with Anki. To use the package with Anki, click Add in the main window, then click the note type selection button. Click the Manage button, then select the note type you plan to use and click Options. The LaTeX header and footer are shown. The header will look something like: To use chemtex, you8217d add the usepackage line in the earlier example, so it looks like: After that, you should be able to include lines like the following in your Anki cards: LaTeX Conflicts It8217s not uncommon for to pop up in LaTeX code when writing mathematical equations. To ensure that your LaTeX equations don8217t conflict with Anki8217s field replacements, it8217s possible to change the separator to something else. For example, if you have a template: Changing it to the following will make it unlikely that the LaTeX will conflict: While this most commonly occurs with LaTeX, the solution presented here will work in any situation where you need to include on cards, regardless of whether LaTeX is used or not. When using cloze deletions, you cannot change the double braces used to mark cloze deletions instead, you can put a space between any double closing braces that do not indicate the end of the cloze, so will not work, but will (and LaTeX ignores spaces in math mode, so your equation will render the same). Unsafe commands Anki prohibits certain commands like input or def from being used on cards or in templates, because allowing them could allow malicious shared decks to damage your system. (To be on the safe side, these commands are prohibited even in comments, so if you8217re getting this error but don8217t think you8217ve used one, please double-check any comments you have in your headers, templates, and cards.) If you need to use these commands, please add them to a system package and import that package as described in the previous section. Miscellanea Menu Shortcuts On WindowsLinux you can hold down the alt key and press a highlighted letter to activate a particular menu. OS X doesn8217t support this feature, but it does allow you to assign shortcuts to specific menu items instead. Please see lifehacker343328create-a-keyboard-shortcut-for-any-menu-action-in-any-program for more information. Debug Console Sometimes you may be asked to use the debug console to change a setting or check something. Unless asked to enter text in the debug console, you will probably not need this. Advanced users may like to read more about it in the add-ons page, linked below. When asked to enter text into the debug console, please start Anki, and in the main window, press Ctrl: (that is the control key and colon key at the same time), or on a Mac, Command: (command key and colon key at the same time). When you do so, a new window should pop up. In the window that has popped up, please paste the text you were asked to paste in the top section. When you8217ve done so, please press CtrlReturn (CommandReturn on a Mac), and some text should appear in the bottom section. If you8217ve been asked to paste the resulting output, please copy it from the bottom area, and paste it back to the support person. If you press CtrlShiftReturn instead of just CtrlReturn, Anki will try to print the result rather than doing what you asked it to. If you are getting unexpected errors, please make sure youre not holding down the Shift key. Anki8217s capabilities can be extended with add-ons. Add-ons can provide features like extra support for specific languages, extra control over scheduling, and so on. To browse the list of available add-ons, select the ToolsgtAdd-onsgtBrowse amp Install menu item. You can also use ToolsgtAdd-ons to check which add-ons are installed. Some add-ons have options or customizations that are only accessible by editing them. To edit an add-on, go to ToolsgtAdd-onsgtadd-on namegtEdit. Please be careful when editing - special characters and whitespace is important, so if you see something like: 8230and you accidentally change it to the following, Anki will throw an error when it is restarted: Many add-on authors include their email address in the add-on, so if you need to get in touch with the author, editing the add-on and looking at the top of the file may help. If you have downloaded an add-on that is not working properly, or if you accidentally made a mistake when editing an add-on, you can use the Delete option in the menu to remove it. To learn how to write your own add-ons, please see the add-on writing guide . Contributing Sharing Decks Publicly To share decks with the general public, synchronize them with AnkiWeb, then log into AnkiWeb and click on Share from the menu next to the deck you wish to share. If you shared a deck previously (including with previous versions of Anki), you can update it by clicking Share as above. Please ensure the name of the deck in your account exactly matches the name shown in the shared deck listing, or you8217ll end up creating a new shared deck rather than updating the old one. Updating a shared deck will not reset the download counts or ratings. You can delete a shared deck that you have uploaded using the Delete button on the shared deck8217s page. When you update a shared deck, users who downloaded the deck previously will not automatically receive updates. If they download the deck again and re-import it, newly added material will be imported without altering their existing study progress, provided neither you nor the user has altered the note type since the first import. When updating a deck, AnkiWeb expects the deck to be at the same location as before. If you shared a deck when it was called Korean Verbs for example, and then renamed it to Korean::Korean Verbs, resharing will not be able to update the existing copy. Sharing Decks Privately If you8217d like to share decks with a limited group of people (such as a study group or class) rather than the general public, you can do so by sharing them outside of AnkiWeb. To share a deck privately, go to the File menu and choose Export. Select a single deck (not All Decks), and turn off include scheduling information. This will produce an. apkg file which you can share with others. You can share the. apkg file by emailing it to people, placing it on a website or shared folder, or using a free file sharing service like Dropbox or Google Drive and sending people a link. Both the computer version and mobile clients make it easy to import from an apkg file simply by clicking or tapping on it. AnkiWeb does not have the ability to import apkg files however, so the recipients of your deck will need to have the computer version or Anki on their mobile device. When a user imports an. apkg file, cards that already exist in their collection will be ignored and any new cards will be added. As long as they use the same note type, modified cards will also be updated. To prevent data loss, cards that have been deleted in the new apkg file will not be deleted in the user8217s collection, so if you need to delete cards from users decks for whatever reason, you will need to contact them about it. Sharing Add-ons Please see the add-on documentation above. App Translations Translations can be done directly from the translation website . Launchpad will guess which languages you can translate based on the country you8217re connecting from. If the language you want to translate to doesn8217t appear, sign up for a launchpad account, and in your profile, click the next to preferred languages to the language you want to translate. There are some special markers in text that you need to be aware of, and careful when translating: A string like Cards: d or Error: s means that the ds part will be replaced with some other value. The characters must remain the same in the translation, so a translation may look like : d. The same applies to text like (a)d of (b)d - it would be translated like (a)d von (b)d. If you need to reverse A and B in your language, that8217s fine as long as the text remains the same. Menu items have an amp to indicate which character is the shortcut key, such as ampFile. In languages that use roman text, you can place the amp over a different character such as ampDatei in other languages there may be a different convention. Japanese for example includes the roman character afterwards instead, like (ampF) Some strings have plural support, so that 0 cards, 1 card, 5 cards can be represented properly in your language. In these instances you8217ll need to enter the 2 or 3 different forms. Sometimes it will not be clear what a string refers to, and you may want to see the context. Below every string to be translated, you8217ll see a line like this: If you strip off the first ..dtop section, you8217re left with something like aqtdeckbrowser. py:299. You can then visit githubdaeanki. locate the same filename, and click on it. The file will be displayed with line numbers on the left, and by matching up the line numbers (they may differ by a few lines sometimes), you may be able to get a better understanding of what the string refers to. If you see forms in the string like the above example, the strings will generally be obvious. If you do need to understand the context however, things are a little more complicated, as those files are automatically generated from an interface description instead. Please go to githubdaeankitreemasterdesigner and locate the same filename and click on it. We can8217t rely on line numbers in this case, so please use the browser8217s find option to find the string in the file. The lines immediately surrounding the found text may give a clue as to its meaning. If you find a string that you8217re unsure how to translate, or would like to start a discussion with fellow native speakers on the best way to translate something, please feel free to start a thread in the Anki forums. Any translations that were made at least a few hours before a new Anki release are automatically included in the next release. Entirely new languages need to be added manually, so please contact us if that applies to your translation. If you8217d like to see your name in the About screen as a contributor, please drop Damien a line. If you8217d like to try out your translations without waiting for a new release, you can export a. mo file from the translation website. If you then move that. mo file into Anki8217s installation folder, overwriting an existing. mo file with the same language code (in the locale folder), Anki will display the new translations when it is next started. Translating the Manual If you8217re a fairly technical user, you may want to translate the source file of the manual, and compile it yourself with asciidoc. You can also use that github repo to keep track of changes to the manual in the future. If that sounds complicated, an easier way is to visit this page and use FilegtSave As to save the manual to disk. You can then import it into Microsoft Word or similar software, and translate it that way. When you8217re happy with the translation, you can either put it up on your website and I can link to it, or I can host the translated file on Anki8217s website (but if you8217re planning to make frequent updates, the former is a better choice). If you8217d like, you can post it before you8217re done and we can link to it in the list of in-progress translations below. Another option is to put your translation on a wiki, so that other users can contribute to it. There are many sites such as Wikia that will allow you to easily create your own wiki for free. (The English version once used a wiki we found that we got too many unhelpful contributions and had to spend too much time correcting them, but your mileage may vary.) The following translations are currently in progress: I haven8217t studied for a while, and now the next due times are too big When you use Anki every day, each time a card is answered correctly, it gets a bigger interval. Let8217s assume that good about doubles the interval. Thus you have a 5 day wait, then a 10 day wait, 20 days, 40 days, and so on. When people return to their deck after weeks or months of no study, they8217re often surprised by the length intervals have grown to. This is because Anki considers the actual time the card was unseen, not just the time it was scheduled for. Thus if the card was scheduled for 5 days but you didn8217t study for a month, the next interval will be closer to 60 days than 10 days. This is a good thing. If you have successfully remembered a card after a one month wait, chances are you8217ll remember it again after a longer wait, too. The same principles which make SRS effective in normal use apply when you8217re studying after a delay, too. It also makes little sense to schedule a card for 10 days in the future if you were able to easily answer it after a whole month8217s wait - you8217d be going backwards. Resetting the deck is an even worse solution. When returning to a deck after a long absence, you may have forgotten many of your cards, but chances are you haven8217t forgotten them all. Resetting the entire deck means you have to waste time studying material you already know. Now you may find overdue cards that you were able to recall, but not comfortably, since they were not reviewed when they should have been. To counter this, Anki treats the delay differently depending on your answer. If you find a card easy, the last interval plus the full delay are added together, and then used to calculate the next interval. When you answer good, only half the delay is used. And when you answer hard, only a quarter of the delay is used. So if a card was due in 5 days, and it8217s answered 20 days late, the next times you8217d end up with are approximately: Hard: (5 204) 1.2 12 days Good: (5 202) 2.5 37.5 days Easy: (5 20) 3.25 81.25 days (the factors will actually vary depending on your performance in the deck) If you find a card hard, the next interval is quite conservative and is less than the last wait (25 days). If you find it good, the next interval is only about 50 higher. And easy increases the interval aggressively as usual. So it is recommended that you study as normal when you return to Anki after a period of absence. But if you absolutely must reset the deck, you can select the cards to reset in the browser, and use EditgtReschedule. Can I do multiple-choice questions Multiple choice questions are a poor review tool for a number of reasons. The reason they are commonly used in an academic setting is because they are easy to mark, and they allow the person studying to demonstrate their ability to recognize the correct answer even if they can8217t produce it themselves. Furthermore, good multiple choice questions have well chosen distractors - answers that are similar to the correct answer. A computer can look for similarly spelt words, but it is not capable of choosing good distractors for more complicated topics. If you are studying for a test and you have a sample test with a multiple choice question like the following: Can I link cards together Add dependencies How should I handle synonyms Anki supports links between cards of a note, but not between unrelated cards. Imagine are you studying Japanese and aiming to be able to both recognize and reproduce the Japanese. You may enter the word ookii, which means big, and tell Anki to generate two cards - ookii8594big and big8594ookii. In the above situation Anki can space reviews of those two sibling cards out so that they don8217t appear one after the other (see sibling spacing in the link at the top of this document). Some people want to extend this link between arbitrary cards. They want to be able to tell Anki after showing me this card, show me that card, or don8217t show me that card until I know this card well enough. This might sound like a nice idea in theory, but in practice it is not practical. For one, unlike the sibling card case above, you would have to define all the relations yourself. Entering new notes into Anki would become a complicated process, as you8217d have to search through the rest of the deck and assign relationships between the old and new material. Secondly, remember that Anki is using an algorithm to determine when the optimum time to show you material again is. Adding constraints to card display that cause cards to display earlier or later than they were supposed to will make the spaced repetition system less effective, leading to more work than necessary, or forgotten cards. The most effective way to use Anki is to make each note you see independent from other notes. Instead of trying to join similar words together, you8217ll be better off if you can determine the differences between them. Synonyms are rarely completely interchangeable - they tend to have nuances attached, and it8217s not unusual for a sentence to become strange if one synonym is replaced with another. Continuing with the Japanese example earlier, imagine you want to learn the word dekai, which also roughly translates to big, but is a more colloquial expression. If you still want to review in both directions, you might make the English prompt of this word big (more casual). The further you progress in your language studies though, the more of a burden it becomes to define the differences between similar words, which is why cards asking you to produce a particular word are best left to the early stage of your studies. With a strong base vocabulary, moving towards recognition-based study makes more sense, as we all have a much larger passive vocabulary than our active vocabulary. As for ensuring that difficult material is introduced after easier material, a number of existing tools are available. New cards are by default introduced in the order they are added to the deck, so as long as the learning materials or sources of information you are using are adequately graded for your level, material should appear in order of easiness. Can I give my notes an arbitrary number of fields Notes are designed to represent closely related information, and to make it easy to reorganize where that information appears on a card. In the context of language learning, notes are useful for representing things like a phrase-translation pair, a phrase-translation-reading triplet, and so on. All of these relationships are 1:1 - a given phrase has only one reading, and one translation. (1) Because of their ability to tie related pieces of information together, some people try to use notes to tie less closely related information in their deck together. For example, if they come across two sentences with the word completely: He was completely confused. That was completely uncalled for. Then they put those two sentences in the same note, under the rationale that since they share a word, they are related. But what if the user comes across another example sentence The book confused her. That sentence shares the word confused with a previous sentence. So should it be in the note for confused Or the note for completely Or both Unlike the phrase-translation pairs mentioned above, if you say sentences are related if they share a word, then sentences have a many:many relationship. That is, sentence A may be related to sentence B and C, sentence B may be related to A and D, and so on. Because the relationships are complex and overlapping, notes are not a good way to represent them. There seem to be two main reasons people try to represent such relationships in notes: Because it8217s neater to keep all the information in one place. This may seem to be the case, but in reality you really don8217t save much. If you want to see all example sentences that contain the word completely and each sentence is in a different note, all you have to do is search for completely. Because I want Anki to separate reviews of cards that share the same word. This is related to the previous FAQ question. Defining the links between cards is time consuming, and if it were done automatically and every card that shared a word were separated from other cards that shared a word, it would be both computationally prohibitive, and would likely lead to a situation where nothing could be shown because it was all related to something else. Yes, it8217s not ideal for two sentences containing the same word to be shown right after each other, but if you add new cards in a random order such a situation is unlikely, and the downsides of trying to prevent such a situation aren8217t worth it. And even if such a solution were introduced, it wouldn8217t stop you from encountering the words in the real world. (1) It is possible for different people to translate the same phrase in different ways, and different dialects may read the same word differently, but that is not relevant to the discussion. Can I host my own AnkiWeb Sorry, AnkiWeb is only available as a hosted service. Why is the Android version free when the iPhone version isn8217t Working on Anki desktop, AnkiWeb and AnkiMobile is my full time job, and I need some way of paying the bills. Since I make the desktop amp web versions available for free, I rely on sales of the iPhone app in order to finance development. AnkiDroid is written by a separate group of volunteers. Since they based it on the free desktop version I make available (and rely on AnkiWeb in order to synchronize decks), they decided to make it freely available as well. What spaced repetition algorithm does Anki use Anki was originally based on the SuperMemo SM5 algorithm. However, Anki8217s default behaviour of revealing the next interval before answering a card revealed some fundamental problems with the SM5 algorithm. The key difference between SM2 and later revisions of the algorithm is this: SM2 uses your performance on a card to determine the next time to schedule that card SM3 use your performance on a card to determine the next time to schedule that card, and similar cards The latter approach promises to choose more accurate intervals by factoring in not just a single card8217s performance, but the performance as a group. If you are very consistent in your studies and all cards are of a very similar difficulty, this approach can work quite well. However, once inconsistencies are introduced into the equation (cards of varying difficulty, not studying at the same time every day), SM3 is more prone to incorrect guesses at the next interval - resulting in cards being scheduled too often or too far in the future. Furthermore, as SM3 dynamically adjusts the optimum factors table, a situation can often arise where answering hard on a card can result in a longer interval than answering easy would give. The next times are hidden from you in SuperMemo so the user is never aware of this. After evaluating the alternatives, the Anki author decided that near-optimum intervals yielded by an SM2 derivative are better than trying to obtain optimum intervals at the risk of incorrect guesses. An SM2 approach is predictable and intuitive to end users, whereas an SM3 approach hides the details from the user and requires users to trust the system (even when the system may make mistakes in the scheduling). Anki8217s algorithm is based on SM2, but differs from it in some respects. SM2 defines an initial interval of 1 day then 6 days. With Anki, you have full control over the length of the initial learning steps. Anki understands that it can be necessary to see a new card a number of times before you8217re able to memorize it, and those initial failures don8217t mean you need to be punished by being shown the failed card many times over the course of a few days. Performance during the learning stage does not reflect performance in the retaining stage. Anki uses 4 choices for answering review cards, not 6. There is only one fail choice, not 3. The reason for this is that failure comprises a small amount of total reviews, and thus adjusting a card8217s ease can be sufficiently done by simply varying the positive answers. Answering cards later than scheduled will be factored into the next interval calculation, so you receive a boost to cards that you were late in answering but still remembered. Like SM2, Anki8217s failure button resets the card interval by default. But the user can choose to make the card take some steps back rather than being reset completely. Also, you can elect to review failed mature cards on a different day, instead of the same day. Remembered easily not only increments the ease factor, but adds an extra bonus to the current interval calculation. Thus, answering remembered easily is a little more aggressive than the standard SM2 algorithm. Successive failures while cards are in learning do not result in further decreases to the card8217s ease. A common complaint with the standard SM algorithms is that repeated failings of a card cause the card to get stuck in low interval hell. In Anki, the initial acquisition process does not influence a card8217s ease. You can also check out sched. py in Ankis source code for the scheduling code. Here is a summary (see the deck options section for the options that are mentioned in italics ). If you press8230 The card is placed into relearning mode, the ease is decreased by 20 percentage points (that is, 20 is subtracted from the ease value, which is in units of percentage points), and the current interval is multiplied by the value of new interval (this interval will be used when the card exits relearning mode). The cards ease is decreased by 15 percentage points and the current interval is multiplied by 1.2. The current interval is multiplied by the current ease. The ease is unchanged. The current interval is multiplied by the current ease times the easy bonus and the ease is increased by 15 percentage points. For Hard, Good, and Easy, the next interval is additionally multiplied by the interval modifier . If the card is being reviewed late, additional days will be added to the current interval, as described here . There are a few limitations on the scheduling values that cards can take. Eases will never be decreased below 130 SuperMemos research has shown that eases below 130 tend to result in cards becoming due more often than is useful and annoying users. Intervals will never be increased beyond the value of maximum interval . Finally, all new intervals (except Again) will always be at least one day longer than the previous interval. After you select an ease button, Anki also applies a small amount of random fuzz to prevent cards that were introduced at the same time and given the same ratings from sticking together and always coming up for review on the same day. This fuzz does not appear on the interval buttons, so if youre noticing a slight discrepancy between what you select and the intervals your cards actually get, this is probably the cause. Phng php hc ting Anh qua cc tnh hung thc t, lp hc dnh ring cho i tng ngi i lm bn rn, s gip hc vin c mt mi trng hc tp thoi mi tin b nhanh nht Bi kim tra trnh min ph cho bn bit ting Anh mnh ang u Xem lch hc cc lp ting Anh t trnh c bn ti nng cao khai ging lin tc trong thng Aroma cam kt cung cp cho Doanh nghip nhng kha hc ting Anh cht lng cao, theo yu cu st thc ca tng c th cng vic, gip nng cao hiu qu cng vic v giao tip. 1. Tm hiu nhu cu ca khch hng T vn 2. Kim tra trnh 3. Thit k chng trnh hc 4. Khai ging Dy th 5. K hp ng Thanh ton Hun luyn vin ting Anh ring cho ngi bn rn, hc theo chng trnh thit k ring, ch ng v thi gian, a im Hc Ring l hnh thc c bit thch hp vi ngi bn rn, mt gc ting Anh, mun hc cp tc, hc theo mc tiu c nhn Ti nhn ra ting Anh khng gai gc nh mnh vn ngh, nu bit n Aroma sm hn c phng php hc ng n th c th ti tit kim c nhiu thi gian. (Ch Trng Mai Anh, cn b nh nc) Nhn kin thc, ti liu hc v dng ting anh min ph gi qua email Trc nghim tm l xc nh tnh cch, nh hng ngh nghip ph hp nht vi bn 400 Thut Ng Ting Anh Chuyn Ngnh Nhn S


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